A Home Cook Sharing Her Gluten-Free Journey

Elyse is the home cook behind the Gluten-Free Foodee (GFF) blog. She developed the Gluten-Free Foodee blog to share what she learned after being diagnosed with non-celiac gluten sensitivity, which was greatly impacting her inflammation levels. It’s been a discovery journey ever since that she is still on.

Her goal with every recipe is to create a dish that you cannot tell is gluten-free and to get rid of the “compromised food” stigma gluten-free food has. 

Elyse was raised surrounded by great cooks and was determined to adapt and/or create gluten-free recipes that upheld those same standards. Her goal with every recipe is to create a dish that you cannot tell is gluten-free and to get rid of the “compromised food” stigma gluten-free food has. 

Along with sharing gluten-free recipes, you will also find gluten-free tips, and gluten-free product reviews on the Gluten-Free Foodee blog.

Elyse and fellow admin, Older Slightly Wiser created the Gluten-Free Foodees Facebook group to interact and engage with the GFF community and exchange ideas, recommendations, and experiences.

She believes that together, we can help each other live our best gluten-free life.

Click on the links above to visit the Gluten-Free Foodee blog site and join the Gluten-Free Foodees Facebook Page.

Photo Credit: Gluten-Free Foodee, gluten-free battered cauliflower

*Disclaimer: Content discussed in this blog is for information purposes only. Any questions about the material should be made to the Gluten-Free Foodee directly.