Joanie's Pastries

Andrew Batten

Joanie’s Pastries Products have been Certified Gluten-Free by the Gluten-Free Food Program (GFFP) since 2021 and the National Celiac Association endorses the GFFP certification program.

Everyone can now enjoy the best-tasting tarts of all time. Joanie’s Pastries are known for their delicious, flakey, impossible to believe its gluten-free pastries!

Joanie’s loves entering competitions; you must check them out, her achievements speak for themselves.

Award-Winning Bakery:

Joanie’s results demonstrate excellence in quality and it’s Gluten-Free.

AUGUST 17, 2019

Joanie’s Pastries won best filling for Classic Butter Tarts at the Burlington Butter Tart Festival.

MAY 26, 2019

Joanie’s Pastries took first place in the non-traditional tart category at the Fergus Butter Tart Festival.

November 10, 2018

Joanie’s Pastries won first place for her Bacon ~ Maple Butter Tart at the Markham Butter Tart Festival, marking the first time an exclusively gluten-free baker took top prize in the Fancy Tart Category.

October 13, 2018

Joanie’s Pastries was placed third overall for her Bacon ~ Maple Butter at the All Canadian Butter Tart Festival in Paris, Ontario.



  • Chocolate Chip
  • Coconut Chocolate
  • Funfetti
  • Ginger
  • Sweet & Salty Butter Pecan


  • Berry Blast
  • Carrot Pineapple
  • Morning Glory


  • Carrot Cake
  • Chocolate Cupcakes
  • Vanilla Cupcakes


  • Blondies
  • Cookie Pizza Slice
  • Date Squares
  • Nanaimo Bars


The Gluten-Free Food Program (GFFP) provides a platform for listing certified gluten-free clients and their products.  Information on this page has been taken from the client’s website and is not regularly updated. The Gluten-Free Food Program cannot be held liable for claims made. If, for any reason, you are unsure of the content that appears, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the supplier directly, as they manage the daily operations and marketing information before purchasing any item. See contact details below.

Mark of Trust