Certified gluten-free Products by the Dalroll Company

Rachel Di Martino

Dalroll Company Products have been Certified Gluten-Free by the Gluten-Free Food Program (GFFP) since 2022, and the National Celiac Association endorses the GFFP certification program.

Delicious gluten-free rice bread and desserts.

“Can’t we eat delicious bread without flour?”

“Is there a way to make rice tastier”

Launched in 2013, Dalroll utilized domestic rice to create a variety of rice flours.

Our manufacturing facility specializes in making gluten-free breads, baked goods and desserts that are allergen free, for people that are sensitive to gluten, diagnosed with celiac disease or are consumers who want to avoid gluten because of health or cosmetic problems.

We are constantly researching and developing to create a wide range of gluten-free bakery products, whilst striving to break the misconception that healthy food will result in a loss of taste or texture.

Dalroll is proud to be able to showcase gluten-free bakery products that are unparalleled to traditional bakery products.  Even without flour, Dalroll products will still deliver the happiness of a delicious dessert.

Try the Dalroll delicious breads and desserts.


브랜드 스토리

“밀가루 없이도 맛있는 빵을 먹을 수 없을까?

“밀가루 없이도 맛있는 빵을 먹을 수 없을까?”
“쌀을 더 맛있게 먹는 방법은 없을까?”
2013년출시된달롤은국내산쌀을활용, 밀가루없이다양한
글루텐에민감하거나질병이있는분, 알러지로인해밀가루를섭취하는못하는분,

Product: https://www.dalroll.com
  • 1 애플 크럼블 파운드케이크 Apple Crumble Pound Cake
    2 애플 크림 롤케이크 Apple Roll Cake
    3 제로밀 글루텐프리 쌀식빵 바질토마토 Basil Tomato Bread
    4 제로밀 글루텐프리 쌀스콘 바질토마토 Basil Tomato Scone
    5 제로밀 글루텐프리 쌀모닝빵 바질토마토 Basil Tomato Soft Roll
    6 노밀바스크치즈케익 Basque Cheese Cake
    7 흑임자쌀파운드[조각] Black Sesame Pound Cake
    8 쌀깜빠뉴 Campagne
    9 제로밀 글루텐프리 쌀식빵 치즈 Cheese Bread
    10 제로밀 글루텐프리 쌀스콘 황치즈 Cheese Scone
    11 제로밀 글루텐프리 쌀모닝빵 치즈 Cheese Soft Roll
    12 초코 쌀카스테라 Chocolate Castella Cake
    13 초코초코롤 Chocolate Roll Cake
    14 제로밀 글루텐프리 쌀스콘 초코 Chocolate Scone
    15 크리스마스캐롤 Christmas Carol Roll Cake – Christmas Special
    16 초당옥수수 크림 롤케이크 Dalroll Gallery X Bobs Sweet Corn Roll Cake
    17 노밀 얼그레이치즈케익 Earl Grey Cheese Cake
    18 초코 휘낭시에 GF Chocolate Financier
    19 달롤 글루텐프리 순백딸기롤 GF Dalroll Strawberry Roll Cake
    20 달롤 글루텐프리 초당옥수수롤 GF Dalroll Sweet Corn Roll Cake
    21 달롤 글루텐프리 순백우유롤 GF Dalroll White Roll Cake
    22 제로밀 우유 크림 샌드 GF Milk Cream Sand Cake
    23 글루텐프리 진한초코롤 GF Mini Dark Chocolate Roll Cake
    24 우리쌀화이트크림롤 GF Mini White Roll Cake
    25 플레인 휘낭시에 GF Plain Financier
    26 우리쌀 치즈케이크 GF Rice Flour Cheese Cake
    27 그린바나나쌀휘낭시에 Green Banana Financier
    28 교토마차롤 Matcha Roll Cake
    29 달미롤 Milk Cream Roll Cake
    30 노밀 뉴욕치즈 케익 Newyork Cheese Cake
    31 노엘쇼콜라롤 Noel Chocolate Roll Cake – Christmas Special
    32 제로밀 글루텐프리 쌀식빵 올리브 Olive Bread
    33 제로밀 글루텐프리 쌀모닝빵 올리브 Olive Bread
    34 피칸초코쌀휘낭시에 Pecan Chocolate Financier
    35 제로밀 글루텐프리 쌀식빵 Plain Bread
    36 플레인 쌀카스테라 Plain Castella Cake
    37 플레인쌀휘낭시에 Plain Financier
    38 제로밀 글루텐프리 쌀스콘 플레인 Plain Scone
    39 제로밀 글루텐프리 쌀모닝빵 Plain Soft Roll
    40 쌀비스킷 Rice Flour Biscuit
    41 스노우 크랜베리 쌀 휘낭시에 Snow Cranberry Financier – Christmas Special
    42 스노우레드벨벳롤 Snow Red Velvet Roll Cake – Christmas Special
    43 쑥쌀파운드[조각] Ssuk(Korean Mugwort) Pound Cake
    44 달롤딸기롤 Strawberry Roll Cake
    45 크리스마스 달미딸기롤 Strawberry Roll Cake – Christmas Special
    46 화이트 크리스마스 파운드 케이크 White Christmas Pound Cake – Christmas Special
    47 유자쌀파운드[조각] Yuja Pound Cake
    48 제로밀샌드 팥 ZeroMeel Red Bean Sand Cake
    49 제로밀샌드 우유 ZeroMeel Red Bean Sand Cake
    50 제로밀 순백딸기롤 ZeroMeel Strawberry Roll Cake
    51 제로밀 초당옥수수롤 ZeroMeel Sweet Corn Roll Cake
    52 제로밀 순백우유롤 ZeroMeel White Roll Cake


Disclaimer:  The Gluten-Free Food Program (GFFP) Gluten-Free Certification | Gluten-Free Food Program (glutenfreefoodprogram.com) provides a platform for listing certified gluten-free clients and their products.  Information on this page has been taken from the client’s website and is not regularly updated. The Gluten-Free Food Program cannot be held liable for claims made. If, for any reason, you are unsure of the content that appears, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the supplier directly, as they manage the daily operations and marketing information before purchasing any item. See contact details below.


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