Nana Joes Granola Products have been Certified Gluten-Free by the Gluten-Free Food Program (GFFP) since 2016, and the National Celiac Association endorses the GFFP certification program.
As I was learning to surf at Ocean Beach, I always craved a bowl of granola when I got out of the water but was shocked and disappointed to find that many of the options in my local grocery store were full of sweeteners, preservatives and most importantly weren’t gluten-free.
Being a Culinary Institute of America trained pastry chef I thought “I can make my own granola” and developed recipes with enough fat, fiber and protein to sustain me. When I created the perfect combo of oats, nuts and fruits that’s when I knew I was onto something very special.
What started as a way to sustain my surfing habit turned into feeding friends and family and eventually the whole neighbourhood and now the entire Bay Area.
In 2010 Nana Joes Granola was born with the goal of bringing whole food ingredients back to the grocery store shelves while supporting my local community ( and surfing habit). I believe breakfast should be a meal that nourishes and sustains you which is why all Nana Joes Granola products are made with 100% natural ingredients, with no preservative and sweetened with just a touch of maple syrup. I think it is a necessity to put community before profits which is why at Nana Joes Granola we ensure each and every one of our employees is making above minimum wage and has lots of opportunities to grow so they never have to work an entry-level kitchen job again.
We love what we do and can’t wait to share our creations with you!
Products: – Full Review
Nana Joes
- Big Wave Granola Bars
- Chefs Blend Limited
- Chef’s Blend Melissa King
- Cluster Blend Granola
- Granola Sample Pack
- Market Blend
- Ocean Beach Bar Bites
- Ocean Beach Granola Bars
- Paleo Sunrise Series Cranberry
- Paleo Sunrise Series- Hazelnut, Almond Butter & Pecan
- Paleo Sunrise Series Orange
- Paleo Sunrise Series Paleo chocolate Cheer
- Paleo Sunrise Series; Hu Chocolate Blend
- Savory Granola Blend
- Stoke Granola Bars
- Sunset Blend Granola
- Swell Bar Bites
- Swell Grain Free Granola Bars
- Tony’s Trail Mix
- Trefecta Blend
Nana Joes Granola
- EPIC Chocolate Oat Granola
- Granoogle, Chef Matt, Good for You
- Texas Twisted Praline Oat
- Texas Twisted Praline Paleo
- The Golden Hour Bar (aka #4 Big Wave Bar: same ingredients)
- Gus’s Chocolate Sea Salt
- Gus’s Maple Almond Butter
- Gus’s Muesli
- Gus’s Paleo Praline (aka #22 Texas Twisted Praline Paleo: same ingredients)
- Gus’s Pumpkin Cinnamon Crunch
Sprouted Heart Bars
- Sprouted Heart Bars
The Gluten-Free Food Program (GFFP) provides a platform for listing certified gluten-free clients and their products. Information on this page has been taken from the client’s website and is not regularly updated. The Gluten-Free Food Program cannot be held liable for claims made. If, for any reason, you are unsure of the content that appears, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the supplier directly, as they manage the daily operations and marketing information before purchasing any item. See contact details below.