City Baking LLC

Andrew Batten

City Baking listed products are Certified Gluten-Free by the Gluten-Free Food Program since 2015 and endorsed by the National Celiac Association.

City Baking creates delectable gourmet baked goods that you can’t resist. Crafted by real bakers, all our bakery products are made in the finest bakery traditions with premium ingredients. We bake our gourmet treats daily so they are fresh for you and your customers to enjoy.


  • Gluten Free Fudge Brownie:
  • Gluten Free Magic Brownie:
  • Gluten Free Oatmeal Cranberry Fruit Cookie


The Gluten-Free Food Program (GFFP) provides a platform for listing certified gluten-free clients and their products.  Information on this page has been taken from the client’s website and is not regularly updated. The Gluten-Free Food Program cannot be held liable for claims made. If, for any reason, you are unsure of the content that appears, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the supplier directly, as they manage the daily operations and marketing information before purchasing any item. See contact details below.

Mark of Trust