The Gluten-Free Essentials

Andrew Batten

The Gluten-Free Essentials is Certified Gluten-Free by the Gluten-Free Food Program (GFFP). The program is also endorsed by the Coeliaque Québec and the National Celiac Association.
The Bread Essentials has become The Gluten-Free Essentials. This has allowed us to develop our offerings and work towards attaining the celiac certification, now achieved. This doesn’t mean we forget about Traditional Artisan Breads and Baked Goods as we move forward in the near future with a separate location that would be entirely dedicated to Traditional Artisan Breads and Baked Goods.

Come and join us, whether to find a missing tool or accessory, GF flours and other vital ingredients to make your GF goods at home or to participate in one of the workshops.

We look forward to seeing you!

Mark of Trust
406 Royal York Road, Toronto, Ontario M8Y 2R5