October 2021 Featured Personal Care Product of the Month The Science To Stop Dehydration Ceralyte Hydration was first developed in 1993 as a clinical supplement to stop the widespread death caused by dehydration and diarrhea brought on by diseases like cholera in Bangladesh. Scientifically proven through strategic testing to be …
Kate’s Safe & Sweet Baking Mixes
October 2021 Featured Food & Beverage Brand Kate’s Safe & Sweet was started after new mom, Kate, discovered that her new baby daughter, Penny, suffered from severe food allergies. Kate asked herself the same questions that many people ask when the holidays come or when it’s your child’s birthday; wondering …
Meet Joanie’s Pastrie
September 2021 Featured Bakery/Restaurant of the Month Joanie’s Bakery demonstrate excellence in quality in Gluten-Free product. Located in London, Ontario, Canada, they are best known for their award-winning butter tarts. Created by home baker, Joan Hepburn, Joanie’s began out of her love for a creamy butter tart and for her …
The GFFP Featured Blog!
Each month, as part of our premium service that we offer, the Gluten-Free Food Program helps support our certified gluten-free businesses by featuring a brand from our manufacturing, restaurant or bakery and a personal care categories here, on our GF-Finder.com website. We spotlight each brand on our home page, where …
Oats are naturally Gluten-Free, so why should you check for Gluten?
Although oats, by nature, do not contain gluten, the topic of oats and the gluten-free diet has been a confusing and controversial topic for the gluten-free community. The issue has been that oats are generally grown and farmed in fields next to other gluten containing grains such as wheat, rye, …