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Simply type what you are looking for into the search below. Try searches like "Pizza", "Brownie", "Italian", "Plant base", "Glove", etc. or by categories like "Baked goods", "Restaurants", and more. All the certified organizations that provide or produce the items will appear. Click on the various companies, and review the company profile and products. Enjoy exploring your safe gluten-free options!

Welcome to Gluten-Free Finder

We've got your gluten-free lifestyle covered with a directory of certified gluten-free food, drinks, restaurants, personal care products, and more! Whether you're gluten-free by choice or for health reasons like celiac disease, our certification program means the companies listed here meet rigid standards to ensure their food and products are truly gluten-free. GF-Finder also features gluten-free recipes, books, and other resources to help you live gluten-free.

Endorsed by

Our endorsement partners support one or more of the Gluten-Free Food Programs. For more information about the Celiac Association’s endorsement, click on the links below.

Featured Food & Beverage

Dietz & Watson: Meat
Philadelphia Pennsylvania
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Certified Products and Restaurant Head Office Locations

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Featured Restaurants & Places

Continental Treat Fine Bistro
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Latest Listings

Gluten-FreeFood & Beverage​
Montana Gluten Free Processors
Baked Goods, Flour/Grains/Rice/Cereals
Canadian Gluten Free & Keto Bakery - Pink Butter
Baked Goods, Bakery, Restaurant, Baking Products, Breads
Molly's Market
Baked Goods, Snacks
Cuisine L’Angelique
Flour/Grains/Rice/Cereals, Baking Products, Breads
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Gluten-FreePersonal Care Products
Cera Products Inc
snacks, Bars, drinks, nutritional, Rehydration, Sports, Sports bars, beverages
Gluten Free Remedies
Supplements, gluten free vitamins
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Gluten-FreeRestaurants & Places
p.s. i love you
Boston Massachusetts
New Cascadia Traditional
Oakland California
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Gluten-Free Poll

Why are you gluten-free?

Our poll is for fun, and is not meant to reflect scientific data or analysis. There is no collection of any private info about you. 

Featured Personal Care Products

Lively Up Your Breath
Sims Valley California
organic, Breath Freshener

Our Gluten-Free Food Program Certification (GFFP)

We're on a mission to make gluten-free living accessible for everyone, and we're always looking to partner with likeminded businesses who want to help make that a reality. We have two main programs. Click on either below to learn more.

Gluten-Free Certification for Manufacturers and BrandsCertification and Standards for the Manufacturing of Gluten-Free Products​
Gluten-Free Certification for Restaurants and Food Service EstablishmentsCertification and Standards for Restaurants and Food Service Establishments​
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We are constantly adding trusted gluten-free products and eateries. If you know of a product or establishment that is certified gluten-free which is not on our list or they wishes to become certified, let us know and we will be happy to contact them. ​​
Tell us about yourGluten-Free Suggestion

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